[00:00:00] Build started [00:00:00] git clone -q --branch=master https://bitbucket.org/jripolles/code_tympan_git.git C:\tympan\src [00:00:09] git checkout -qf 4c0d3fab8376ce9f91dccb89bd3dd9a558ed7e8b [00:00:09] Running Install scripts [00:00:09] Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem [00:00:09] $cachedir='C:\tympan\cache\' [00:00:09] $srcdir='C:\tympan\src\' [00:00:09] if (-Not (Test-Path $cachedir)) { [00:00:09] mkdir $cachedir [00:00:09] } [00:00:09] $thirdparties='Code_TYMPAN-4.7_third-party-05.zip' [00:00:09] $zipfile=$cachedir + $thirdparties [00:00:09] if (-Not (Test-Path $zipfile)) { [00:00:09] (new-object net.webclient).DownloadFile('https://bitbucket.org/TYMPAN/code_tympan/downloads/' + $thirdparties, $zipfile) [00:00:09] } [00:00:09] [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($zipfile, $srcdir + '3rdparty') [00:00:10] [00:00:10] [00:00:10] Directory: C:\tympan [00:00:10] [00:00:10] [00:00:10] Mode LastWriteTime Length Name [00:00:10] ---- ------------- ------ ---- [00:00:10] d----- 5/20/2020 3:43 PM cache [00:00:11] [00:00:11] [00:00:11] cd C:\tympan\ [00:00:11] [00:00:11] md build [00:00:11] cd build [00:00:11] set MINICONDA=C:\Miniconda34 [00:00:11] set PYTHONPATH=%MINICONDA% [00:00:12] set PATH=%MINICONDA%;%MINICONDA%\Scripts;%MINICONDA%\Library\bin;%MINICONDA%\libs;%MINICONDA%\DLLs;%MINICONDA%\Library\lib [00:00:12] set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\tympan\build;C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake\bin [00:00:12] echo %PATH% [00:00:12] C:\Miniconda34;C:\Miniconda34\Scripts;C:\Miniconda34\Library\bin;C:\Miniconda34\libs;C:\Miniconda34\DLLs;C:\Miniconda34\Library\lib;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\tympan\build;C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake\bin [00:00:12] set TYMPAN_PYTHON_INTERP=%MINICONDA%\python.exe [00:00:12] conda install -y -q cmake=3.6.3 [00:00:16] Fetching package metadata: .... [00:00:52] Solving package specifications: ............... [00:00:52] Package plan for installation in environment C:\Miniconda34: [00:00:52] [00:00:52] The following packages will be downloaded: [00:00:52] [00:00:52] package | build [00:00:52] ---------------------------|----------------- [00:00:52] conda-env-2.6.0 | 0 488 B [00:00:52] vs2010_runtime-10.00.40219.1| 2 944 KB [00:00:52] asn1crypto-0.22.0 | py34_0 150 KB [00:00:52] idna-2.6 | py34_0 124 KB [00:00:52] pycosat-0.6.2 | py34_0 81 KB [00:00:52] pycparser-2.18 | py34_0 171 KB [00:00:52] pyparsing-2.2.0 | py34_0 97 KB [00:00:52] pywin32-220 | py34_2 12.2 MB [00:00:52] requests-2.14.2 | py34_0 707 KB [00:00:52] ruamel_yaml-0.11.14 | py34_1 206 KB [00:00:52] setuptools-27.2.0 | py34_1 759 KB [00:00:52] six-1.10.0 | py34_0 17 KB [00:00:52] vc-10 | 0 700 B [00:00:52] wheel-0.29.0 | py34_0 120 KB [00:00:52] cffi-1.10.0 | py34_0 119 KB [00:00:52] menuinst-1.4.7 | py34_0 89 KB [00:00:52] openssl-1.0.2l | vc10_0 3.6 MB [00:00:52] packaging-16.8 | py34_0 31 KB [00:00:52] pip-9.0.1 | py34_1 1.7 MB [00:00:52] zlib-1.2.11 | vc10_0 102 KB [00:00:52] cmake-3.6.3 | vc10_0 6.5 MB [00:00:52] cryptography-1.8.1 | py34_0 293 KB [00:00:52] pyopenssl-17.0.0 | py34_0 76 KB [00:00:52] conda-4.3.30 | py34h17e61f7_0 545 KB [00:00:52] ------------------------------------------------------------ [00:00:52] Total: 28.6 MB [00:00:52] [00:00:52] The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: [00:00:52] [00:00:52] asn1crypto: 0.22.0-py34_0 [00:00:52] cffi: 1.10.0-py34_0 [00:00:52] cmake: 3.6.3-vc10_0 [00:00:52] cryptography: 1.8.1-py34_0 [00:00:52] idna: 2.6-py34_0 [00:00:52] openssl: 1.0.2l-vc10_0 [00:00:52] packaging: 16.8-py34_0 [00:00:52] pip: 9.0.1-py34_1 [00:00:52] pycparser: 2.18-py34_0 [00:00:52] pyopenssl: 17.0.0-py34_0 [00:00:52] pyparsing: 2.2.0-py34_0 [00:00:52] pywin32: 220-py34_2 [00:00:52] ruamel_yaml: 0.11.14-py34_1 [00:00:52] setuptools: 27.2.0-py34_1 [00:00:52] six: 1.10.0-py34_0 [00:00:52] vc: 10-0 [00:00:52] vs2010_runtime: 10.00.40219.1-2 [00:00:52] wheel: 0.29.0-py34_0 [00:00:52] zlib: 1.2.11-vc10_0 [00:00:52] [00:00:52] The following packages will be UPDATED: [00:00:52] [00:00:52] conda: 3.16.0-py34_0 --> 4.3.30-py34h17e61f7_0 [00:00:52] conda-env: 2.4.2-py34_0 --> 2.6.0-0 [00:00:52] menuinst: 1.0.4-py34_0 --> 1.4.7-py34_0 [00:00:52] pycosat: 0.6.1-py34_0 --> 0.6.2-py34_0 [00:00:52] requests: 2.7.0-py34_0 --> 2.14.2-py34_0 [00:00:52] [00:00:52] conda install -y -q boost=1.51.0 -c logilab [00:01:11] [00:01:38] [00:01:38] Package plan for installation in environment C:\Miniconda34: [00:01:38] [00:01:38] The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: [00:01:38] [00:01:38] boost: 1.51.0-0 logilab [00:01:38] [00:01:38] The following packages will be UPDATED: [00:01:38] [00:01:38] conda-env: 2.6.0-0 --> 2.6.0-1 [00:01:38] [00:01:38] conda install -y -q cython=0.26 [00:01:44] [00:01:49] [00:01:49] Package plan for installation in environment C:\Miniconda34: [00:01:49] [00:01:49] The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: [00:01:49] [00:01:49] cython: 0.26-py34_0 [00:01:49] [00:01:50] conda install -y -q numpy=1.10.1 [00:01:56] [00:02:04] [00:02:04] Package plan for installation in environment C:\Miniconda34: [00:02:04] [00:02:04] The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: [00:02:04] [00:02:04] numpy: 1.10.1-py34_0 [00:02:04] [00:02:04] conda install -y -q scipy=0.16.0 [00:02:10] [00:02:27] [00:02:27] Package plan for installation in environment C:\Miniconda34: [00:02:27] [00:02:27] The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: [00:02:27] [00:02:27] scipy: 0.16.0-np110py34_0 [00:02:27] [00:02:27] conda install -y -q matplotlib=1.5.1 [00:02:33] [00:02:53] [00:02:53] Package plan for installation in environment C:\Miniconda34: [00:02:53] [00:02:53] The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: [00:02:53] [00:02:53] cycler: 0.10.0-py34_0 [00:02:53] libpng: 1.6.30-vc10_1 [00:02:53] matplotlib: 1.5.1-np110py34_0 [00:02:53] pyqt: 4.10.4-py34_1 [00:02:53] python-dateutil: 2.8.1-py_0 [00:02:53] pytz: 2020.1-py_0 [00:02:53] tk: 8.5.18-vc10_0 [00:02:53] [00:02:53] conda install -y -q pandas=0.18.1 [00:02:59] [00:03:07] [00:03:07] Package plan for installation in environment C:\Miniconda34: [00:03:07] [00:03:07] The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: [00:03:07] [00:03:07] pandas: 0.18.1-np110py34_0 [00:03:07] [00:03:08] conda install -y -q xlsxwriter=0.9.6 [00:03:14] [00:03:18] [00:03:18] Package plan for installation in environment C:\Miniconda34: [00:03:18] [00:03:18] The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: [00:03:18] [00:03:18] xlsxwriter: 0.9.6-py34_0 [00:03:18] [00:03:19] conda install -y -q geos=3.4.2 [00:03:25] [00:03:31] [00:03:31] Package plan for installation in environment C:\Miniconda34: [00:03:31] [00:03:31] The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: [00:03:31] [00:03:31] geos: 3.4.2-vc10_0 [00:03:31] [00:03:32] conda install -y -c scitools/label/archive shapely [00:03:38] Fetching package metadata ............... [00:03:43] Solving package specifications: . [00:03:44] [00:03:44] Package plan for installation in environment C:\Miniconda34: [00:03:44] [00:03:44] The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: [00:03:44] [00:03:44] shapely: 1.5.13-np110py34_1 scitools/label/archive [00:03:44] [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- 0.00 B/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 2% | | ETA: 0:00:00 0.00 B/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 4% |# | ETA: 0:00:00 1.05 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 6% |## | ETA: 0:00:00 1.05 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 9% |## | ETA: 0:00:00 1.40 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 11% |### | ETA: 0:00:00 1.75 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 13% |#### | ETA: 0:00:00 2.10 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 16% |##### | ETA: 0:00:00 2.45 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 18% |##### | ETA: 0:00:00 1.68 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 20% |###### | ETA: 0:00:00 1.89 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 23% |####### | ETA: 0:00:00 2.10 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 25% |####### | ETA: 0:00:00 2.31 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 27% |######## | ETA: 0:00:00 2.52 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 30% |######### | ETA: 0:00:00 2.73 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 32% |########## | ETA: 0:00:00 2.94 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 34% |########## | ETA: 0:00:00 3.15 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 36% |########### | ETA: 0:00:00 3.36 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 39% |############ | ETA: 0:00:00 3.57 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 41% |############ | ETA: 0:00:00 3.15 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 43% |############# | ETA: 0:00:00 3.32 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 46% |############## | ETA: 0:00:00 3.50 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 48% |############### | ETA: 0:00:00 3.15 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 50% |############### | ETA: 0:00:00 3.30 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 53% |################ | ETA: 0:00:00 3.45 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 55% |################# | ETA: 0:00:00 3.60 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 57% |################# | ETA: 0:00:00 3.75 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 60% |################## | ETA: 0:00:00 3.90 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 62% |################### | ETA: 0:00:00 4.05 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 64% |#################### | ETA: 0:00:00 4.20 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 66% |#################### | ETA: 0:00:00 4.35 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 69% |##################### | ETA: 0:00:00 4.50 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 71% |###################### | ETA: 0:00:00 4.65 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 73% |###################### | ETA: 0:00:00 4.80 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 76% |####################### | ETA: 0:00:00 4.95 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 78% |######################## | ETA: 0:00:00 4.24 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 80% |######################### | ETA: 0:00:00 4.37 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 83% |######################### | ETA: 0:00:00 4.49 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 85% |########################## | ETA: 0:00:00 4.62 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 87% |########################### | ETA: 0:00:00 4.74 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 90% |########################### | ETA: 0:00:00 4.87 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 92% |############################ | ETA: 0:00:00 4.99 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 94% |############################# | ETA: 0:00:00 5.12 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 97% |############################## | ETA: 0:00:00 5.24 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 99% |############################## | ETA: 0:00:00 5.37 MB/s [00:03:44] shapely-1.5.13 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 5.40 MB/s [00:03:45] conda install -y -q swig=3.0.10 [00:03:50] [00:03:57] [00:03:57] Package plan for installation in environment C:\Miniconda34: [00:03:57] [00:03:57] The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: [00:03:57] [00:03:57] swig: 3.0.10-0 [00:03:57] [00:03:57] conda install -y -q gmp=5.0.1 mpfr=3.0.0 -c salilab [00:04:03] [00:04:08] [00:04:08] Package plan for installation in environment C:\Miniconda34: [00:04:08] [00:04:08] The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: [00:04:08] [00:04:08] gmp: 5.0.1-0 salilab [00:04:08] mpfr: 3.0.0-0 salilab [00:04:08] [00:04:08] conda install -y -q cgal=4.3 -c logilab [00:04:15] [00:04:25] [00:04:25] Package plan for installation in environment C:\Miniconda34: [00:04:25] [00:04:25] The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: [00:04:25] [00:04:25] cgal: 4.3-0 logilab [00:04:25] [00:04:26] conda install -y -q qt=4.8.7=vc10_9 [00:04:32] [00:04:49] [00:04:49] Package plan for installation in environment C:\Miniconda34: [00:04:49] [00:04:49] The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: [00:04:49] [00:04:49] jpeg: 8d-vc10_2 [00:04:49] libtiff: 4.0.6-vc10_2 [00:04:49] qt: 4.8.7-vc10_9 [00:04:49] [00:04:49] conda list [00:04:50] # packages in environment at C:\Miniconda34: [00:04:50] # [00:04:50] asn1crypto 0.22.0 py34_0 [00:04:50] boost 1.51.0 0 logilab [00:04:50] cffi 1.10.0 py34_0 [00:04:50] cgal 4.3 0 logilab [00:04:50] cmake 3.6.3 vc10_0 [vc10] [00:04:50] conda 4.3.30 py34h17e61f7_0 [00:04:50] conda-env 2.6.0 1 [00:04:50] cryptography 1.8.1 py34_0 [00:04:50] cycler 0.10.0 py34_0 [00:04:50] cython 0.26 py34_0 [00:04:50] geos 3.4.2 vc10_0 [vc10] [00:04:50] gmp 5.0.1 0 salilab [00:04:50] idna 2.6 py34_0 [00:04:50] jpeg 8d vc10_2 [vc10] [00:04:50] libpng 1.6.30 vc10_1 [vc10] [00:04:50] libtiff 4.0.6 vc10_2 [vc10] [00:04:50] matplotlib 1.5.1 np110py34_0 [00:04:50] menuinst 1.4.7 py34_0 [00:04:50] mpfr 3.0.0 0 salilab [00:04:50] numpy 1.10.1 py34_0 [00:04:50] openssl 1.0.2l vc10_0 [vc10] [00:04:50] packaging 16.8 py34_0 [00:04:50] pandas 0.18.1 np110py34_0 [00:04:50] pip 9.0.1 py34_1 [00:04:50] pycosat 0.6.2 py34_0 [00:04:50] pycparser 2.18 py34_0 [00:04:50] pycrypto 2.6.1 py34_3 [00:04:50] pyopenssl 17.0.0 py34_0 [00:04:50] pyparsing 2.2.0 py34_0 [00:04:50] pyqt 4.10.4 py34_1 [00:04:50] python 3.4.3 0 [00:04:50] python-dateutil 2.8.1 py_0 [00:04:50] pytz 2020.1 py_0 [00:04:50] pywin32 220 py34_2 [00:04:50] pyyaml 3.11 py34_1 [00:04:50] qt 4.8.7 vc10_9 [vc10] [00:04:50] requests 2.14.2 py34_0 [00:04:50] ruamel_yaml 0.11.14 py34_1 [00:04:50] scipy 0.16.0 np110py34_0 [00:04:50] setuptools 27.2.0 py34_1 [00:04:50] shapely 1.5.13 np110py34_1 scitools/label/archive [00:04:50] six 1.10.0 py34_0 [00:04:50] swig 3.0.10 0 [00:04:50] tk 8.5.18 vc10_0 [vc10] [00:04:50] vc 10 0 [00:04:50] vs2010_runtime 10.00.40219.1 2 [00:04:50] wheel 0.29.0 py34_0 [00:04:50] xlsxwriter 0.9.6 py34_0 [00:04:50] zlib 1.2.11 vc10_0 [vc10] [00:04:50] cmake -G"Visual Studio 10 2010" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=%MINICONDA%\libs\Python34.lib ..\src [00:04:51] -- The C compiler identification is unknown [00:04:51] -- The CXX compiler identification is unknown [00:04:51] CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:1 (project): [00:04:51] No CMAKE_C_COMPILER could be found. [00:04:51] [00:04:51] [00:04:51] [00:04:51] CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:1 (project): [00:04:51] No CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER could be found. [00:04:51] [00:04:51] [00:04:51] [00:04:51] -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! [00:04:51] See also "C:/tympan/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". [00:04:51] See also "C:/tympan/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log". [00:04:51] Command exited with code 1