Deploying during build using environment provider does nothing

Kay's Avatar


24 Jul, 2021 05:24 AM

from build log:
  Uploading artifacts...
  [1/1] MultiTargetWpfLibraryAppVeyorLab\bin\Release\MultiTargetWpfLibraryAppVeyorLab.0.0.12.nupkg (3,574 bytes)...100%
  rem === Before deployment ===
  Deploying using Environment provider
  Started deployment to environment
  rem === After deployment ===
  Build success
and nothing happens!
if I start deployment manually, it starts publishing.
  Downloading artifact MultiTargetWpfLibraryAppVeyorLab/bin/Release/MultiTargetWpfLibraryAppVeyorLab.0.0.12.nupkg to temporary location...OK
  Publishing MultiTargetWpfLibraryAppVeyorLab.0.0.12.nupkg to
Thanks for any advice

  1. 1 Posted by Kay on 24 Jul, 2021 08:24 AM

    Kay's Avatar

    OK, it seems there is no error shown if deployment failed.
    I would expect more output on failed and also on success. after "Started deployment to environment" line. Maybe also stop build on error.

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Feodor Fitsner on 25 Jul, 2021 11:45 PM

    Feodor Fitsner's Avatar

    It's by design - deployment to Environment happens asynchronously.

  3. 3 Posted by Kay on 27 Jul, 2021 05:16 AM

    Kay's Avatar

    So if I need to know if the publishing was successful, I can't use the environment
    Unfortunately, this is not very satisfying and should at least be documented (if it isn't already and I just read over it) I had to spend a lot of unnecessary time to get a successful build process, and I ended up needing your valuable support time.
    Thanks vor helping me.

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