tag:help.appveyor.com,2012-11-13:/discussions/problems/4518-this-folder-contains-no-solution-files-nor-packagesconfig-files AppVeyor: Discussion 2018-08-25T02:05:51Z tag:help.appveyor.com,2012-11-13:Comment/39691272 2016-04-20T15:38:00Z 2016-04-20T15:38:02Z This folder contains no solution files, nor packages.config files. <div><p>I received an email back from AppVeyor support saying to include the nested path to my solution file in my previous build step, which was the nuget restore call.</p> <p>So now my appveyor.yml has</p> <p>nuget restore Source\MySolutionFile.sln</p> <p>and my build works!</p> <p>Thanks!</p></div> Sean Holmesby tag:help.appveyor.com,2012-11-13:Comment/39691272 2016-04-20T19:50:29Z 2016-04-20T19:50:29Z This folder contains no solution files, nor packages.config files. <div><p>Thanks for the update!</p></div> Feodor Fitsner