Deploy nugets to myget on PR

Raphael DUCOM's Avatar

Raphael DUCOM

21 Jul, 2018 03:39 PM


I have a strange behavior trying to deploy nuget on PR with myget.
Here the yml :

I control the release / prerelease publish with 2 environment variables (deploy_unstable / deploy_public) which are defined in a custom script. Before trying to upload to myget, the appveyor nuget feed was working fine.

The Enable secure variables in Pull Requests from the same repository only feature is enabled.
When I try to push nugets with command line, it works (so not a myget issue)
I've tryied everything I can... And I'm stuck.

There's no error in log (
The deploy is not skipped (I remember seeing a "skipped" messages when it's the case). Not in error.
It just seems the deploy to myget step is not runned at all, and the deploy_unstable env var I use to trigger the deploy provider is correctly defined.

Is there a way to debug this deploy step more verbosely ?
Do you see something I miss on this yml ?

I'm really out of ideas, and I really love to find a way to push nugets with the native deploy, instead of a command line.

Thanks in advance !

  1. 1 Posted by Ilya Finkelshte... on 21 Jul, 2018 08:30 PM

    Ilya Finkelshteyn's Avatar

    Sorry for confusion. Deployments are disabled for pull requests. They can be enabled for private projects in UI, but not for public ones for security reasons. We plan to implement trusted authors for more explicit access to both secure variables and deployments in PRs. For now I believe, if you really ready to alloy MyGet deployment in PR, you need to use a script. Note that anyone can submit a PR to a public repo...

  2. Ilya Finkelshteyn closed this discussion on 20 Sep, 2018 09:00 PM.

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