I've created a .nuspec -- now what?
Hi all,
I know this isn't technically AppVeyor's issue by any means. I'm new to .nuget packages and I'd love to use AppVeyor to get mine out into the wild. I've looked around but I think I may be misunderstanding what I need to do in order to go from a .nuspec file to a published package on nuget.org. Any help would be appreciated.
I created a .nuget spec for the project in question and committed it.
- I am of the understanding that AppVeyor will automatically publish Nuget packages. Does this include creating the package from the nuget file?
- If not, am I able to run nuget.exe via a post-build operation to do this?
- What files do I need to publish as artifacts if nuget deployment is to work?
Thank you in advance for any help. I'm not new to development but entirely new to attempting to create a Nuget package (especially via AppVeyor)
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1 Posted by seankilleen on 30 May, 2014 02:14 PM
An update on where I am: I understand now that I need to move the .nuspec file into the project's root (I foolishly had it in the solution root).
I also checked off the
Package Nuget Projects
option on theBuild
menu.I now get a
in my artifacts directory, with the name of[MyPackage].[Version].nupkg
. Awesome!One question remains -- I'd like to automatically push this artifact to Nuget.org, which means (I think) that I first i have to push it to my private feed.
to do this, my reading seems to suggest using the following command on a successful build:
appveyor PushArtifact <your-nugetpackage.nupkg>
However, I'm not always going to know the version name. Looking into how to figure that part out now. Any help is appreciated.
Support Staff 2 Posted by Feodor Fitsner on 30 May, 2014 06:40 PM
Hi Sean,
Thanks for the update! I feel creating NuGet packages with AppVeyor is worth a separate tutorial or blog post :)
If you managed to get .nupkg in artifacts then the only thing you have to do is adding "NuGet" deployment step on "Deployment" tab of project settings. This will automatically publish all (or selected) NuGet package artifacts.
Please let me know if you have further questions.
3 Posted by Max on 23 Jun, 2014 08:28 PM
Hi Feodor,
I'm stuck at the same point. When I go to the "Deployment" tab of the project settings and select "Nuget", I need to enter at least an API key and Nuget server is said to be nuget.org if not specified.
So your suggestion doesn't work for me.
Thanks, Max
Support Staff 4 Posted by Feodor Fitsner on 24 Jun, 2014 03:39 AM
Hi Max,
So, do you have an issue with packaging nuget artifact or deploying it? What errors are you getting?
5 Posted by Max on 24 Jun, 2014 10:34 AM
Hi Feodor,
The nuget packaging works and all packages appear as artifacts. But they aren't pushed to the project nuget feed or the account nuget feed.
In the meantime I added a Nuget deployment step to publish the packages to nuget.org and that works. But I'm still not sure how I can get the nuget package artifacts on the project feed. There aren't any errors.
Support Staff 6 Posted by Feodor Fitsner on 24 Jun, 2014 03:55 PM
Do those NuGet packages have "NuGet Package" type on Artifacts page?
Ilya Finkelshteyn closed this discussion on 25 Aug, 2018 01:45 AM.