How to get the same workflow as "AppHarbor"?

byron's Avatar


14 Jun, 2014 12:03 AM

Sorry for mentioning a competitor, but my team uses AppHarbor extensively. We currently have close to 50 projects with them right now. We're considering moving everything over to AppVeyor because of the extra control you guys can give us. But I'd like to you your opinion on how we can get to the same level as our service with AppHarbor. Currently we check-in code to github and it gets deployed to a web server at Amazon (guessing EC2?). They give us a hostname that we can use or we can assign a domain name. Currently, we don't pay for a deployed web application unless we upgrade the application from the basic plan (at which we simply pass on the charge to our client).

I think I understand what AppVeyor offers. But what I think I'm missing here is the piece of deploying to something to a quick and free web server. Right now, it appears that I need to set up an environment for each application and incur my own costs with Amazon for each app/deployment. Can you correct me and help me understand a little better how that might work?

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Feodor Fitsner on 15 Jun, 2014 04:01 PM

    Feodor Fitsner's Avatar

    They are not competitors of us ;) Their primary business is hosting and their goal is to make your website stay with them. CI, "git push" deployment are aids to make the offer more attractive. AppVeyor focuses on CI and deployment.

    Environment in AppVeyor is not necessarily a dedicated machine. Think of it like a "Deployment target" that could be FTP, Web Deploy, blobs, Azure CS, etc.

    I would recommend looking at Azure Web Sites. There are free web sites under * domain and you can go for paid ones with custom domains.

    You can setup "Web Deploy" environments to deploy to Azure Web Sites. Let me know if you have any questions.

  2. Ilya Finkelshteyn closed this discussion on 25 Aug, 2018 01:45 AM.

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