tests build vs production build
To run tests I need to build everything in Specs configuration. To build production release, build is in Release.
The main reason for this is for integration tests that run in memory there're some background processes. We're testing they function correctly, so we compile them with different timer settings vs timers they have in production.
Is it possible to do a tests build, run tests, and then do production build and package output for deployment?
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Feodor Fitsner on 23 Jun, 2014 03:17 AM
It's possible, but you have to do that in a custom script overriding AppVeyor built-in pipeline.
2 Posted by slav on 23 Jun, 2014 03:51 AM
Would I also need to run tests from the build script? Or is it possible to plug test running service you provide into the middle? And just do release build as a script after tests pass?
Support Staff 3 Posted by Feodor Fitsner on 23 Jun, 2014 03:57 AM
Well, we don't do something special for running tests. You should know paths to test assemblies already, so no need to do autodiscovery, and all test runners are in PATH.
slav closed this discussion on 27 Jun, 2014 05:39 AM.