Fail AppVeyor build if test count drops significantly

jeroen.heijmans's Avatar


19 Jun, 2019 09:35 AM

Is there anything available in AppVeyor to notice a significant change in Test Count? I would like my build to fail if the number of tests in my project suddenly drops by (say) 5% or more.

I've tried searching for this feature but found no relevant results.

The motivation here is that due to a problematic refactor, a significant number of tests (some of which would've been broken) no longer got seen by xUnit. Nothing in my build pipeline warned me about this, so it's not until days later until we found out that we were ignore a subset of our tests. I'd like to prevent that from happening.

I'm happy to write some custom YML or PS1 to do this, but then I'd need to know if there's variables available that give me the current and previous build's (or master build's) total number of tests. The only workaround I could think of is some kind of Baron von Munchhausen thing where the AppVeyor build queries the AppVeyor API with my own secret.... but that sounds fragile, at best.

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