Selection of image build for reproducibility

raul's Avatar


19 Jul, 2019 04:50 PM


let's say we want to reproduce a build that happened 6 months earlier. This includes running the same builder that was used originally (eg msbuild version). Is it possible to specify a sha or version of the builder images in the yaml, similar to how one would use container tags?

According to , there's only current and previous. That is not enough for our reproducibility requirements, where the original build environment must also match at the time of reproduction.


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Owen McDonnell on 19 Jul, 2019 07:32 PM

    Owen McDonnell's Avatar

    We don't keep older images that are outside the previous-current-preview frame.
    But you can look at private build cloud hybrid solution or AppVeyor server which would allow you to work with your own set of build images.

  2. 2 Posted by raul on 19 Jul, 2019 09:44 PM

    raul's Avatar

    Thank you for the confirmation.

    What's the main reason behind why you don't have a history of images?

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