Where do settings come from and which appveyor.yaml is used for GitHub/GitLab branches?

eduard.braun2's Avatar


11 Jun, 2017 03:22 PM

I was trying to figure out what settings and which appveyor.yaml would be used for my GitLab project [1], but couldn't find any conclusive documentation.

* First of all there are the UI settings. According to [2] the UI settings should be ignored when there is an appveyor.yaml. Hoever my builds obviously respected the settings for "build version format" and "branches to build" from the UI and used the rest from the .yaml file.
* Second there is appveyor.yaml in master branch. I assumed this would be used as the base configuration for all branches, but this is obviously not the case, see below.
* Third there is appveyor.yaml in the other branches. When / how is that one loaded?

There were two particular issues that came up during my experiments:

* I set

    - master

in the appveyor.yaml in master branch. This setting was ignored, though and pushes to a second branch were still built. I had to set "branches to build" in the UI to only build master.

* The pushes to the second branch couldn't complete because the second branch did not contain a appveyor.yaml yet. How could I avoid this problem *without* using the UI?

[1] https://ci.appveyor.com/project/Ede123/inkscape
[2] https://www.appveyor.com/docs/build-configuration/#appveyoryml-and-ui-coexistence

  1. 1 Posted by Ilya Finkelshte... on 11 Jun, 2017 08:30 PM

    Ilya Finkelshteyn's Avatar

    Hi Edward,

    • Build version format is taken from UI in case it is not in YAML. Sorry for confusion, updating documentation now.
    • You have to have YAML file in each branch if what to avoid using UI, Appveyor is reading YAML from the same branch commit came from, and use UI if it was not found.
    • If you want to avoid controlling many YAML files, you can use YAML from some HTTP location


  2. 2 Posted by eduard.braun2 on 11 Jun, 2017 11:02 PM

    eduard.braun2's Avatar

    I see...

    So in my case
    * the master branch correctly used appveyor.yml
    * the second branch didn't have a .yml and fell back to the UI settings

    Therefore both were used in the end...

    Maybe that could be pointet out in https://www.appveyor.com/docs/build-configuration/#appveyoryml-and-ui-coexistence ? Because obviously one can have oth at the same time as long as it's different branches!

  3. Ilya Finkelshteyn closed this discussion on 25 Aug, 2018 02:17 AM.

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