More info on after_deploy
Hi there,
I'm after some more info on after_deploy please as I'm trying to troubleshoot some randomly failing smoke tests.
1. If we have more than 1 deployment, does it run once for each deployment, or does it run after all deployments have finished?
2. Is it guaranteed to execute after the Environment deployment has completed, or is the Environment deploy async?
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1 Posted by Ilya Finkelshte... on 13 Sep, 2017 09:10 PM
Environment deployments are indeed async. Please check this part of documentation. So in case of environment deployments
script runs after deployments started, but in case of inline deploymentsafter_deploy
script runs after deployments finished.If you have some special reason to use environment deployments during the build (for example you need Agent deployment) can use our API to start deployment and check if deployments finished. Please look at this sample.
If this is not exactly your case, please describe your scenario more.
Ilya Finkelshteyn closed this discussion on 25 Aug, 2018 02:19 AM.