skip scheduled build with same commit id as previous build - configure it in

adriana.oliva.remola's Avatar


22 May, 2020 09:57 AM

I am trying to configure to cancel a scheduled build if the Commit ID is equal as the previous build, something similar as the post:

but I don't know how to implement it.

I want to define it directly on the UI in the "init script" without the need of calling any external file.

Is there any way to do it?

  1. 1 Posted by adriana.oliva.r... on 22 May, 2020 12:26 PM

    adriana.oliva.remola's Avatar

    What I have configured so far is in AppVeyor UI / Environment / init script:

    $headers = @{
      "Authorization" = "Bearer $token"
      "Content-type" = "application/json"
    $history = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$apiURL/history?recordsNumber=2" -Headers $headers  -Method Get
    Write-host $apiURL
    Write-Host $history.builds.Count
    if ($history.builds.Count -eq 2)
      $CurrentCommitID = $history.builds[0].commitId
      Write-host $CurrentCommitID
      $PreviousCommitID = $history.builds[1].commitId
      Write-host $PreviousCommitID
      if ($CurrentCommitID -eq $PreviousCommitID)
        Write-host "Current Commit ID is the same as previous, exiting build."
    defining the AppVeyor Token as a secure variable and the outcome that I get so far is:
    • API URL: http://localhost/project/AppVeyor/appveyor-t2

    • History Build Count: 0

    As History Build Count is 0, it does not enter into the if statement.

    It seems that the history records are not being get properly. Any idea why?

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