Kudu in Appveyor

ricardo.polo's Avatar


30 Oct, 2014 08:47 PM

Now I see deploying to Azure instead of AppVeyor is easier for some things like WebJobs.
This is because they have a great build system call Kudu that is run in every commit to the master branch.


Do you have any idea if can configure AppVeyor to run KUDU build system and copy the files to Azure after Kudu do the work, instead of using the Appveyor build?

Regards and thanks

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Feodor Fitsner on 30 Oct, 2014 08:53 PM

    Feodor Fitsner's Avatar

    Kudu is the service that should be installed next to your (presumably on-premise web site). When you work with Azure Web Sites you don't need Kudu as it's already built into WAWS.

  2. Ilya Finkelshteyn closed this discussion on 25 Aug, 2018 01:49 AM.

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