
Have a question on how something should work? Ask your question here and we'll help you out.

Title State Replies Latest Post
Sonny's Avatar

Is sftp:// (SSH file transfer protocol) supported?

resolved 3 14 Oct, 2014 09:03 PM by Feodor Fitsner
tugberk's Avatar

Default branch vs Branches to build

resolved 7 14 Oct, 2014 07:47 PM by tugberk
SL's Avatar

Pricing for FOSS projects

resolved 8 14 Oct, 2014 06:34 PM by gep13
gep13's Avatar

Alternative options to skip a build

resolved 15 10 Oct, 2014 08:15 PM by gep13
Robin Neatherway's Avatar

How to enable building of Pull Requests

resolved 1 10 Oct, 2014 01:52 PM by Feodor Fitsner
Anbazhagan's Avatar

DotNetNuke Auto Deployment

resolved 1 09 Oct, 2014 04:35 PM by Feodor Fitsner
mark.garcia's Avatar

Deployment using path option, zip not extracted

resolved 5 09 Oct, 2014 09:52 AM by mark.garcia
Shawn Mullen's Avatar


resolved 2 09 Oct, 2014 06:47 AM by Anbu
Jeff Reback's Avatar


resolved 4 07 Oct, 2014 06:59 PM by Jeff Reback
Michael Huensch's Avatar

Run command in directory

resolved 2 07 Oct, 2014 02:31 PM by Michael Huensch
mark.garcia's Avatar

Same Project > multi build > same deploy server

resolved 2 07 Oct, 2014 07:34 AM by mark.garcia
stephen mathieson's Avatar

Build setup for a C program

resolved 13 06 Oct, 2014 06:33 PM by Lilith River
mark.garcia's Avatar

Autmated/Scheduled deployment

resolved 1 03 Oct, 2014 07:09 PM by Feodor Fitsner
chris.eldredge's Avatar

Handling symbol packages in deployments

resolved 4 02 Oct, 2014 07:01 PM by Feodor Fitsner
charles's Avatar

Web Deploy - Skip files and directories

resolved 5 02 Oct, 2014 01:51 PM by charles
sodabrew's Avatar

Matrix of platforms and environments

resolved 3 01 Oct, 2014 11:44 PM by sodabrew
mark.garcia's Avatar

Specifying Projects to be pulled from github

resolved 2 01 Oct, 2014 05:49 PM by Feodor Fitsner
Thomas James's Avatar

Appveyor.yml configuration for automatic nuget account feed setup

resolved 2 01 Oct, 2014 12:13 AM by Thomas James
julian.elve's Avatar

Enable remote debug on deploy to Azure Cloud?

resolved 4 30 Sep, 2014 10:12 PM by julian.elve
emanuel.lundman's Avatar

Deploying changed files only (web application)?

resolved 7 28 Sep, 2014 08:46 PM by Feodor Fitsner
object.reference.error's Avatar

EC2 deployment of windows service using appVeyor agent?

resolved 2 26 Sep, 2014 04:41 AM by object.reference.error
shane.walters's Avatar

Unable to setup GitHub auto-build on commit

resolved 2 23 Sep, 2014 10:21 PM by shane.walters
montgomery.adam's Avatar

Deployment Agent IIS Application Name

resolved 6 23 Sep, 2014 07:38 PM by Feodor Fitsner
gep13's Avatar

How to decide which psake task to execute

resolved 3 20 Sep, 2014 07:32 PM by gep13
gep13's Avatar

What is the process for requesting update to software on Build Worker

resolved 14 20 Sep, 2014 06:34 PM by gep13
SL's Avatar

Windows Server 2008 / 2008 R2

resolved 1 18 Sep, 2014 05:27 PM by Feodor Fitsner
James Skimming's Avatar

How to disable automatic builds via the UI when ignoring appveyor.yml but still run on-demand?

resolved 2 11 Sep, 2014 03:25 PM by James Skimming
James Skimming's Avatar

Cloud Service Deployment Parametrisation

resolved 10 11 Sep, 2014 08:14 AM by James Skimming
aqilzeeshan's Avatar

Running jasmine on appveyor

resolved 29 06 Sep, 2014 11:31 AM by johnny_reilly
shakir.sudar's Avatar

.NET Framework Version

resolved 9 05 Sep, 2014 06:28 AM by Feodor Fitsner

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