
Have a question on how something should work? Ask your question here and we'll help you out.

Title State Replies Latest Post
gep13's Avatar

How to stop auto-detection of solution or project file

resolved 1 04 Sep, 2014 07:57 AM by gep13
gep13's Avatar

Use AppVeyor to deploy changes to Octopress Blog

resolved 7 04 Sep, 2014 06:05 AM by gep13
Rifat Erdem Sahin's Avatar

What is the public ip adress of the appveyor server

resolved 1 03 Sep, 2014 01:28 PM by Feodor Fitsner
Nigel's Avatar

Codeplex Support?

resolved 9 03 Sep, 2014 01:17 PM by Feodor Fitsner
mike's Avatar

Installing DacPac

resolved 5 02 Sep, 2014 11:02 PM by Feodor Fitsner
mzabani's Avatar

Separating building from deployment

resolved 4 01 Sep, 2014 03:06 PM by mzabani
James Toyer's Avatar

What is an agent "Deployment Group"?

resolved 1 28 Aug, 2014 10:18 PM by Feodor Fitsner
jaredpparsons's Avatar

x86 version of xunit

resolved 13 27 Aug, 2014 10:06 PM by Feodor Fitsner
eric's Avatar

how to push the version into the .nuspec for chocolatey?

resolved 2 27 Aug, 2014 04:13 PM by Feodor Fitsner
Jonathan Hickford's Avatar

Can I load test results from an XML file

resolved 6 22 Aug, 2014 12:59 PM by Jonathan Hickford
Jason Stevens's Avatar

How to change billing info?

resolved 1 19 Aug, 2014 09:09 PM by Feodor Fitsner
ctstone's Avatar

Execute build script after build but before nuget packaging

resolved 3 19 Aug, 2014 08:42 PM by Feodor Fitsner
Kirill Müller's Avatar

Retention of artifacts deployed only to AppVeyor, and of build logs

resolved 1 15 Aug, 2014 12:39 AM by Feodor Fitsner
Facundo Cabrera's Avatar

nodejs test suite integration with xunit reporter

resolved 5 13 Aug, 2014 03:45 PM by Feodor Fitsner
Kirill Müller's Avatar

crontab scheduling in .yml project

resolved 6 13 Aug, 2014 03:26 PM by Feodor Fitsner
Fred's Avatar

Share projects

resolved 1 11 Aug, 2014 02:56 PM by Feodor Fitsner
Scott Chamberlain's Avatar

R support?

resolved 9 09 Aug, 2014 03:00 PM by Scott Chamberlain
Jon's Avatar

Could web deployment support the AppOffline rule?

resolved 4 08 Aug, 2014 12:11 AM by Feodor Fitsner
Scott Dorman's Avatar

Build not showing all commits

resolved 8 07 Aug, 2014 02:54 PM by Scott Dorman
Dan Jones's Avatar

Build Schedule

resolved 6 07 Aug, 2014 01:42 PM by Feodor Fitsner
bryan's Avatar

Post Build Step Not running

resolved 1 07 Aug, 2014 09:27 AM by bryan
Thomas Wickham's Avatar

Ruby on windows server ?

resolved 2 07 Aug, 2014 08:27 AM by Thomas Wickham
Scott Dorman's Avatar

Problems configuring build artifiacts

resolved 7 07 Aug, 2014 01:32 AM by Feodor Fitsner
Kirill Müller's Avatar

Reduce testing times for initial setup

resolved 0 05 Aug, 2014 01:02 PM by Kirill Müller
Dennis Luxen's Avatar

Caching directions/downloads

resolved 3 04 Aug, 2014 04:26 AM by Feodor Fitsner
ryan's Avatar

Is it possible to override a connection string from either appveyor.yaml or the UI Settings?

resolved 5 03 Aug, 2014 03:04 PM by kristoffer
mattspeterson's Avatar

Build artifacts; triggering builds

resolved 3 31 Jul, 2014 02:15 PM by Feodor Fitsner
avner's Avatar


resolved 4 28 Jul, 2014 05:56 PM by Avner Silberman
Irdis's Avatar

Visual Studio SDK

resolved 23 25 Jul, 2014 02:38 PM by steve.cadwallader
byron's Avatar

I don't want to deploy pull requests

resolved 2 24 Jul, 2014 02:49 PM by byron

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