
Having some issues? Something not quite working right? Post your problems here and we'll try and get to them as soon as possible.

Title State Replies Latest Post
Green's Avatar

There was an error while trying tor complete the current operation

open 0 14 Apr, 2022 05:55 AM by Green
Erwin Rijss's Avatar

Cannot build, cannont delete projects

resolved 1 13 Apr, 2022 03:03 PM by Feodor Fitsner
charlton's Avatar

pwsh environment variables aren't propagated

resolved 6 04 Apr, 2022 10:53 PM by charlton
Irina-Khaustova's Avatar

projects quota exceeded

open 0 26 Mar, 2022 02:09 PM by Irina-Khaustova
larsbrubaker's Avatar

Web Hook not working today

open 2 23 Mar, 2022 04:31 PM by larsbrubaker
Dmitriy's Avatar

Projects quota exceeded.

open 0 23 Mar, 2022 04:17 PM by Dmitriy
Maikl's Avatar

not syncing with github

open 0 21 Mar, 2022 06:26 AM by Maikl
holmes.ryan.90's Avatar

Cannot use build cache, "A WebException with status SendFailure was thrown." on ubuntu image

resolved 4 20 Mar, 2022 05:18 PM by Feodor Fitsner
philipshishov's Avatar

.NET 6 upgrade - Syntax for adding a step

resolved 1 18 Mar, 2022 11:27 AM by philipshishov
tziad's Avatar

Central Directory corrupt issue

open 6 16 Mar, 2022 12:28 PM by Tom
Cr1sad's Avatar

Projects quota exceeded

open 0 10 Mar, 2022 03:11 AM by Cr1sad
Rob 's Avatar

Robocopy does not report errors when run on AppVeyor

open 4 10 Mar, 2022 01:46 AM by Rob
gurdip.sira's Avatar

appveyor.yml github https checkout

open 1 10 Mar, 2022 12:22 AM by gurdip.sira
zachary.bonjour's Avatar

Powershell output is being hidden.

resolved 3 09 Mar, 2022 07:10 PM by Feodor Fitsner
Svetlana's Avatar

Projects quota exceeded.

open 0 08 Mar, 2022 09:58 AM by Svetlana
Stanislav's Avatar

Projects quota exceeded.

open 0 04 Mar, 2022 07:16 AM by Stanislav
augu1sto's Avatar

Cannot create account use GitHub account.

open 0 03 Mar, 2022 03:59 PM by augu1sto
gurdip.sira's Avatar

Host key verification failed.

open 2 02 Mar, 2022 08:18 PM by gurdip.sira
tillig's Avatar

Windows images hang at artifact processing

resolved 2 02 Mar, 2022 04:43 PM by Feodor Fitsner
scascarini's Avatar

Nuget authorization failing

resolved 3 01 Mar, 2022 06:23 PM by Feodor Fitsner
richard.thomas86's Avatar

401 unauthorised when submitting release

resolved 10 01 Mar, 2022 04:01 AM by Feodor Fitsner
ProphetLamb's Avatar

Image download for BYOC on Cloud fails

open 4 26 Feb, 2022 10:19 AM by ProphetLamb
gurdip.sira's Avatar

Cannot assign job to clouds/groups 'GLOAPPVA01'. All clouds within the group are either failing, or offline, or busy.

open 2 25 Feb, 2022 07:40 PM by gurdip.sira
ogerardin's Avatar

Can't switch to Java 11 (Ubuntu)

resolved 2 18 Feb, 2022 04:57 AM by Feodor Fitsner
Cheng Yang's Avatar

Unable to connect to the remote serve

resolved 2 17 Feb, 2022 02:05 PM by Feodor Fitsner
Andrey's Avatar

There was an error while trying to complete the current operation. Please contact AppVeyor support.

open 0 17 Feb, 2022 08:36 AM by Andrey
seredaip's Avatar

Can not delete project

open 1 16 Feb, 2022 04:03 PM by seredaip
GuXiang's Avatar

There was an error while trying to complete the current operation. Please contact AppVeyor support.

open 0 11 Feb, 2022 01:24 PM by GuXiang
k3soft's Avatar

There was an error while trying to complete the current operation. Please contact AppVeyor support.

open 0 08 Feb, 2022 06:13 AM by k3soft
jorisschroeven's Avatar

EPERM: operation not permitted, rename ...

resolved 2 07 Feb, 2022 07:06 PM by jorisschroeven

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