
Having some issues? Something not quite working right? Post your problems here and we'll try and get to them as soon as possible.

Title State Replies Latest Post
giacomo.tag's Avatar

npm fails: EPERM

resolved 1 13 Jan, 2015 08:28 PM by Feodor Fitsner
Dennis Luxen's Avatar

Builds stuck for 16 hours

resolved 2 13 Jan, 2015 02:31 PM by Feodor Fitsner
huy's Avatar

Build detail page crash & environment page fetch hangs

resolved 3 12 Jan, 2015 08:36 PM by huy
giacomo.tag's Avatar

[Error Message] No connection is available to service this operation: EXISTS job_message_counters_rjuxnfccs9v8l786

resolved 3 12 Jan, 2015 07:52 PM by Feodor Fitsner
Adam Ralph's Avatar

'Job started' shown twice in initial rendering

resolved 4 11 Jan, 2015 04:14 PM by Adam Ralph
steazzalini's Avatar

MSYS & flex

resolved 1 09 Jan, 2015 11:27 PM by Feodor Fitsner
shaun_wilde's Avatar

error MSB8008: Specified platform toolset (v110) is not installed or invalid.

resolved 21 07 Jan, 2015 11:43 AM by shaun_wilde
rajindersingh's Avatar

Unable to create a New Project for VS Online TFS

resolved 5 05 Jan, 2015 08:23 PM by Feodor Fitsner
mcepl's Avatar

The term 'C:\Python27/Scripts/pip.exe' is not recognized as the name of a 18cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.

resolved 1 04 Jan, 2015 01:56 AM by Feodor Fitsner
Diego's Avatar

Secured variable in deploy_script

resolved 3 02 Jan, 2015 12:01 AM by Feodor Fitsner
Andrey Kiryushkin's Avatar


resolved 9 31 Dec, 2014 10:29 AM by Andrey Kiryushkin
ukio's Avatar

"fatal: reference is not a tree: <sha>" on git checkout

resolved 2 28 Dec, 2014 02:18 AM by ukio
ukio's Avatar

DNS Problem?

resolved 12 27 Dec, 2014 09:59 PM by ukio
ukio's Avatar

Broken / Unusable Cache after commenting out a Cache item

resolved 4 27 Dec, 2014 09:08 PM by ukio
Alexander Sorokin's Avatar

Console output suppressed?

resolved 7 26 Dec, 2014 08:37 PM by Feodor Fitsner
patricksnape's Avatar

CMake unable to find Visual Studio 2008 Generator

resolved 22 25 Dec, 2014 07:41 PM by Feodor Fitsner
Ionel Cristian Mărieș's Avatar

No 64bit compiler in the 7.1 Windows SDK?

resolved 6 25 Dec, 2014 07:37 PM by Feodor Fitsner
Daniel Häfele's Avatar

Github Release Deployment

resolved 14 23 Dec, 2014 07:29 PM by Feodor Fitsner
Andrea's Avatar

Nuget push shows "PRIVATEKEY" instead of actual key on build -< fails build

resolved 10 22 Dec, 2014 03:48 PM by Feodor Fitsner
gep13's Avatar

Has anything changed in the way that Build Worker Image is running

resolved 5 22 Dec, 2014 10:35 AM by gep13
Newnottakenname's Avatar

are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?

resolved 4 21 Dec, 2014 07:46 PM by Feodor Fitsner
Joakim Söderberg's Avatar

Github pull request status

resolved 1 21 Dec, 2014 02:09 AM by Feodor Fitsner
johnny_reilly's Avatar

IISExpress not working

resolved 8 20 Dec, 2014 01:53 PM by johnny_reilly
Matthieu Maitre's Avatar

How to get more logs for "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" errors

resolved 11 19 Dec, 2014 09:48 PM by Feodor Fitsner
aleksandar.toplek's Avatar

Reference not found with NuGet auto restore

resolved 8 19 Dec, 2014 08:49 PM by Feodor Fitsner
Tommy's Avatar

Can't use environment variables to specify VS solution path

resolved 7 19 Dec, 2014 08:34 PM by Tommy
Daniel Häfele's Avatar

Use the "PowerShell Community Extensions" in "After Build Script"

resolved 3 18 Dec, 2014 08:01 AM by Feodor Fitsner
julian.elve's Avatar

Problem with Azure CS Deploy

resolved 2 17 Dec, 2014 01:26 PM by julian.elve
tony's Avatar

Inexplicable timeouts

resolved 27 17 Dec, 2014 01:30 AM by tony
Brian Reavis's Avatar

Regression: 'off' is not recognized as an internal or external command

resolved 2 16 Dec, 2014 10:55 PM by Brian Reavis

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